To Rename the account use the Function Button.
To Add a Binding (Google/Facebook) to the account, use the Function Button.

The Side Bar displays general information about the account. As well as the ability to rename (Castle Name and Guild Nickname), Link the account to a new binding, assign a proxy manually. See your own stats and boosts and boons. And the stats of your guildmates.

Hiding the Side Bar

The sidebar can be hidden using the button in the top left of the account UI. Clicking this button again will unhide the sidebar.

Account Information Displayed

  • Name - The castle name, followed by any guild nickname in brackets (if one is set).
  • IGG - The iGG ID of the account.
  • Up-Time - How long the account has been running in the bot since the last launch.
  • Coins - How many guild coins the account has.
  • Gems - How many gems the account has.
  • VIP - VIP Level of the account, the current amount of VIP points, and the amount required to hit the next level.
  • Chapter - The identifier number for the amount of completed chapters in castle skirmishes.
  • Might - The current total might of the account.
  • STA (Stamina) - How much STA the account currently has out of its max, used for hitting hero stages.
  • Energy - The amount of monster hunt energy the account has, out of its max, the current percentage of maximum displayed.
  • Base - The current in-game map location of your castle.
  • Reset - The daily reset time of the account.
  • Shield - Current shield stats and remaining time if active.
  • Action - What the account is currently doing.


Shows you which Proxy is assigned to the account. To change the proxy, select the dropdown box, which will show all of your available Proxys, and choose one.

Player Stats

This button opens a new window where you can see all of the account’s Statistics, which are split between two tabs:

· Boosts

· Stats


This shows all of the boosts, that are currently in effect, in a table with two columns:

Stat Type – Shows the name of the statistic

Effect Value – The amount the statistic is affecting the account. Most are displayed as a Percentage or as a Quantity.


Contains information about the account, since it was created, in a table with two columns:

Stat Type – Shows the name of the statistic

Effect Value – The value of the statistic is affecting the account. Most are displayed as a Percentage or as a Quantity.

Guild Stats

This will show all the payer statistics of all the other players that are in the same Guild as you.

To view these stats select the Guild Stats button, this will open a new window.

In the new window, you will see a blank table with only the Column names populated with the stat name to view all stats for all players in the guild, select the Fetch Stats button at the bottom left of the window.

It will take a few seconds to get the stats, but the table will begin to populate. You can change the order of the columns by dragging the column name left or right.

To filter the Stats, drag the column header to the box just above the table, the rows in the table will automatically re-organize themselves. To remove a filter, drag it back to the column header row at the top of the table.

Export Stats – This is used to download and save stats as an Excel spreadsheet