

  • Fixed an issue that caused settings files to save incorrectly or not at all



  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't buy Mall Passes
  • Fixed Global Settings not working for 'Realm'
  • Fixed Templates not working for 'Realm'
  • Fixed Realm hunting breaking when a monster has not yet been summoned
  • Increased timeout from 5 seconds to 20 seconds when waiting for resource transportation response
  • Fixed an issue that made Guild Gift Stats show 01/01 as the next save date
  • Fixed Monitor Anti-Scout not working correctly when in Schedule
  • Fixed 'Relocate' kingdom box not allowing you to type K2000 (GVG)
  • Other minor bug fixes


  • Realm Gathering now automatically adjusts its settings for applicable Guild Fest Missions
  • Added ability to purchase Kingdom Labours battle pass (Inventory Tab)
  • Added 'Use Highest Tier' option for Realm Gathering



  • Fixed a bug where custom gear sets were reset when applying equipment global settings
  • Fixed google reauthentication page showing error 404
  • Fixed a bug that causes an account to always think it' has battle fury active
  • Fixed calculation of max gathering army size
  • Fixed Hero Stages not working when performance mode is enabled
  • Replaced 'Copy Aptoide Payment Link' with the normal payment URL (No Aptoide)
  • Fixed Emoji spacing on the Guild Chat page
  • Fixed Redeem Gift Code functionality
  • Various other bug fixes


  • Added support for Mirage Realm (Purchasing subscription, hunting and gathering)
    • The subscription trial is not claimed automatically, but if you click the 'Purchase' button in the Realm settings tab it will apply the trial for you.
    • Please note if you enable realm hunting and gathering, then the normal gathering and hunting modes will be ignored.
    • If you are to run out of energy during realm hunting then the bot will stop until the timer rolls around again.
  • Added Guild Bank commands for entering and leaving GVG Kingdom (!joingvg & !leavegvg)
  • Updated Game Assets & Sprites


Click to expand.. ### Fixes
  • Fixed issues with Performance Mode causing lag and a variety of other issues
  • Fixed issues with supply being heavily delayed
  • Fixed issue with the bot trying to complete other actions while competing in hero stages and resulting the account disconnecting
  • Fixed max Kingdom Number being capped at 1300 on migration cost calculator
  • Fixed issue with simulator behaving incorrectly during Colosseum Battles while Performance Mode is enabled
  • Other minor bug fixes


Click to expand.. ### Fixes
  • Fixed crash caused by 'PetManager.Clear'
  • Fixed issue with !findtile not working with level parameter
  • Fixed issue with certain shop pages not refreshing correctly when switching account
  • Fixed the kingdom selection box not allowing migration into newer kingdoms
  • Fixed issue with Guild Bank not refreshing member list correctly (In certain situations)
  • The Guild Expedition tab will remain visible if you are still in the battleground when the event ends
  • Other minor bug fixes and tweaks


  • Added ability for the bot to attempt limited challenge stages (Experimental), it can be enabled in Hero Settings -> Attack Limited Challenges
  • The bot will now show remaining time on timed castle skins
  • Added Guild Expedition Solo Score column
  • Added a 'Limited Challenge Level' column so you can see how far each account has progressed
  • When attempting to migrate if extra supplies needs collecting then the bot will forcefully collect them
  • Added 'Auto Start Accounts' option under 'Settings' on the account window
  • Updated GameAssets and Sprites + Added support for new Emojis


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  • Fixed issue with account control window disappearing
  • Fixed issue with 'findtilelocal' not working


  • 'findtilelocal' can now be used without a level parameter to specify the search to include all levels e.g. !findtilelocal gems


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  • Error messages are now displayed in account log when using Relocate from the Functions menu
  • Fixed items not being recieved in inventory correctly
  • Fixed 'recall' bank command
  • Removed Guild Bank help command
  • Other minor bug fixes


  • Added support for race track event (Pagani) (Enabled by default)
  • Added Track Store (Pagani Event) in Inventory tab
  • Added error message when trying to view another kingdom before account has been linked
  • Added help command to Telegram/Discord Chat Bot
  • Added confirmation prompt on Bargain Store Buy All button
  • Updated Translations
  • Updated Game Assets and Sprites


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  • Fixed Google spinning wheel of death
  • Fixed map data requests not working correctly
  • Fixed Prisoner check causing network thread to crash
  • Fixed !recall crashing
  • Fixed shield check spamming when you're on a wonder area and in Schedule (Same applies to prisoner prevent shielding)
  • Fixed issues with translation not working on certain text in mail and guild chat
  • Fixed incorrect hero stage chapter names
  • Fixed some minor spelling mistakes
  • Stopped troop healing being triggered when you're in hero stages
  • Fixed 'Guild Fest Delete Check Delay' not being respected when account first comes online
  • Removed Vergeway from new accounts (Needs testing)
  • Fixed Global Settings and Templates not applying Basic (Page 2) options
  • Fixed 'Selected Settings' box vanishing when opening global settings
  • Fixed 'BagItemDataComparer' thread crash
  • Other minor bug fixes


  • Added support for Guild Expedition (K2000)
  • Added support for Guild Expedition store (Inventory Tab)
  • Added 'Level 6' gathering option
  • Added 'Gold' and 'Silver' monthly pass time column
  • Added multi-threaded downloading for Game Asset Data
  • Restructured huntInfo.txt to a nicely formatted JSON file.
  • All language data is now included in the bot by default (GameAssets/Strings/*)


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  • Fixed issue with daily login gift not being collected
  • Fixed issue with Sanctuary spam healing troops from instant recovery state
  • Fixed issue with certain troop settings not being added to a newly created template
  • Fixed issues with march data not being read correctly (Wrong levels, troops, etc.
  • Other minor bug fixes


  • Added support for the new Shrek lottery/puzzle event
  • Added support for the new Shrek lottery store
  • Added support for Tycoon Challenge Event (Inventory Tab
  • Added support for Tycoon Challenge Event Store (Inventory Tab
  • Events that aren't running or are unavailable will now be hidden in the Inventory page, includes gifting
  • Events will now display proper names for event points or tokens (E.g. instead of "Points: " it will display as "Dazzling Stars: "
  • The recall guild bank command can now force recall (Withdraw Squad) by using 'recall all'
  • Updated Sprites and Game Assets


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  • Fixed issue with Labyrinth Challenge not using free attempts
  • Fixed issue with Labyrinth Challenge not displaying amount of 'divine stars' remaining
  • Fixed issue with Guild Statistics Export causing thread crash
  • Other minor fixes


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  • Fixed issue where the bot would spam 'Collected Bonus Login Gift'


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  • Fixed thread crash issue related to 'GetMissionID'
  • Fixed some issues with kill and might difference displaying malformed values
  • Fixed item frames not displaying correctly for certain items (Leader skins, etc)
  • Fixed issue with puzzle event causing thread crashes
  • Fixed issue with puzzle event not being able to claim some items
  • Other minor bug and localization fixes


  • Added Google Play Games Linking/Login
  • Added support for new emojis and castle skins
  • Added proper support for the latest game version
  • Added support for labyrinth challenge event
  • Added support for labyrinth challenge event store
  • Added ability to set max amount of accounts per proxy in the bulk creation window
  • Added 'Giftable' and 'Normal' gem rows on the main grid resource overview


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  • The application list view will now display correctly
  • Fixed the bargain store buy limit not refreshing after the daily reset
  • Other minor bug fixes


  • Added 'Last Guild' to the application list view
  • Added 'Passes' section to Inventory -> Mall
  • Added ability to buy weekly and monthly periodic gem cards and subscriptions
  • Added 'Buy All' button to Bargain store
  • Gem packs will now display correctly in the mall list


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  • Fixed issues with event 'monsters' trying to be hunted and causing the bot to get hung-up (Lucky card chests)
  • Fixed issue with alliance member information being misread (fixes resource sending, guild bank commands, and other member related functionality)
  • Fixed Guild Searching not working
  • Removed 'Tinythorn' from hunting settings
  • Other minor bug fixes


  • Added 'Linked Gems' and 'Giftable Gems' columns
  • Added support for new bargain store.
  • Added automatic redemption of bargain store gems
  • Added display for in-game whitelist (fixes resource sending, guild bank commands, and other member list stuff)


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  • Fixed issue with account limit displaying as 'MemCipher'
  • Fixed issue with clear board bank command not working
  • Performance enhancements and minor bug fixes


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  • Fixed performance issues for people running a high number of accounts
  • Fixed 'Artifact' chests missing sprites
  • Fixed 'LMS Connection Error' issue
  • Improved Translations


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  • Fixed issue regarding Huey Hops hunting
  • Fixed issue with Google Login
  • Fixed issue with 'Wonder' stats not being read correctly
  • Other minor bug fixes


  • Added warning message when account creation limit is reached and time until reset.


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  • Fixed account creation (Again)
  • Fixed a bug with Guild/Admin scrolls that caused the bot to randomly reconnect
  • Fixed a bug with monster hunt/search where event monsters couldn't be found (e.g. Huey Hops)
  • Other minor fixes/improvements


  • Updated/Improved some translations
  • Added new bank commands
    • payransom (Pays outstanding ransom)
    • clearboard (Clears all missions from Guild Fest board)
    • ess (Shows information about DN essences)

Version 5.2.0

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  • Fixed account creation
  • Fixed issue that caused the bot to get stuck on hunting when settings were misconfigured
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 5.1.9

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  • Added ability to Whitelist/Blacklist from the applications list
  • Added ability to add a note to Whitelist/Blacklist (e.g. !blacklist example_name Spy?.)
  • Added checkboxes for allowing authorized users to have a balance and to bypass resource limits
  • Added "Guild List" export (Including previous might/kills, the differences and previous name if changed)
  • Network/connectivity improvements


  • Kingdom 70 & 71 are now ignored when searching migration scroll costs
  • Fixed issue with the 'Outgoing' tab in Guild Bank not displaying any data
  • Fixed issue where hunting was getting stuck
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 5.1.8

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  • Added a 'Notes' column to the account grid
  • Added support for the new artifact store (Inventory -> Artifact Store)
  • Monster based astralite items now appear in Inventory -> Bag -> Unique
  • Hero medals and skillstones now show have the correct sprite


  • Fixed an issue with colosseum not functioning correctly
  • Fixed an issue where the bot would get stuck spamming tycoon free attempts
  • Fixed an issue where Daily Mission attempt for Labyrinth would cause the bot to crash
  • Blocked 'Selection Chests' being able to be used by the bot
  • Fixed Event Store points displaying incorrectly
  • Fixed some diamond prices displaying incorrectly
  • Other minor bug fixes/improvements

Version 5.1.7

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  • Added support for new monster (Armoured Soul), hero lineups still need improving
  • Added support for new emoji's and updated game sprites
  • Added basic support for new game mail types, some mails will now also display item data
  • Added 'Buy One Get One Free' ability to the 'Mall' tab
  • Chat Bot prefixes can now be modified in the appSettings.json file


  • Fixed issues with google login (Only affected certain google accounts)
  • Fixed minor issue with 'Ignore Balance' not working correctly in some situations
  • Fixed 'setbal' command not replying when used from Discord/Telegram chat bot
  • Fixed various login issues which caused certain accounts to not be able to connect
  • Fixed Guild Fest gauntlet displaying the wrong information
  • Fixed 'Remaining Time' in Large Supply sometimes showing 47,710 days when delivery is finished
  • Fixed Artifact grid coin values not updating correctly
  • Various other small fixes/adjustments
  • Updated Game Assets

Version 5.1.6

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  • Tweaked the 'Account Info' view
  • Added system notification messages when chat bot connection can't be established


  • Fixed issue where Daily Mission -> Shelter would only work if you use the 'Do Not Shelter' protection settings
  • Fixed UI related stack-overflow exception (Bot randomly crashing)
  • Fixed telegram bot spamming connection attempts if an invalid token is provided
  • Fixed bot-imported Huawei accounts not being able to connect to the game
  • Fixed issue with Guild Statistic reset time being calculated incorrectly
  • Other minor fixes

Version 5.1.5

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  • Added GF Gauntlet seperate column
  • Added proper support for the latest game update (Updated sprites, etc)
  • Updated French & Turkish translation


  • Fixed some tutorial flags not working due to game update
  • Fixed issues with files not writing/saving correctly (Templates not applying, accounts not saving, etc)
  • Fixed 'Randomly Shelter Leaders' not working in certain circumstances
  • Fixed 'Randomly Select Avatar' function not working
  • Fixed the avatar list displaying avatars you don't have unlocked
  • Fixed issue with Kingdom Labours constantly trying to claim a non-existent quest
  • Fixed issue with Gauntlet displaying incorrectly
  • Fixed issues with Kingdom Tycoon
  • Various other bug fixes and improvements

Version 5.1.4

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  • Added Guild Fest Gauntlet.
  • Added Schedule BuildSpam option to General > Advanced.
  • Added Upload of stats in chatbot to General > Advanced
  • Improved gear selection for Trial By Fire.
  • Improved "Dont fill Rally" to leave 50 troops free, if rally has less then 50 only 1 troop is sent.


  • Fixed login loop caused by game update
  • Fixed google login error for Invalid Base64 string.
  • Fixed subject line in mails displaying incorrect in some translations.
  • Fixed resources being sent to the wrong account if Supply action and Bank are used at the same time
  • Fixed day of week not being correct in some regions on gift stats reset.

Version 5.1.3

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  • Fixed issue with manually imported accounts not being able to login to the server. (You will need to reimport the account with a newly captured key and select the type of login it originated from, for example game center, huawei, etc.)

Version 5.1.2

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  • Fixed issue with lunar gear crafting causing a thread crash
  • Disabled the language selection box until the application is started to avoid accidental language changes
  • Fixed issue with changing colosseum defenders not applying correctly
  • Fixed issues with import/linking throwing an exception in the final step
  • Fixed issue with Huawei refresh access key not working correctly in certain circumstances
  • Fixed issue with Steam, WeChat and Huawei import
  • Fixed issue with auto refresh access key not stopping after 2/3 failed attempts
  • Game ID is now consistent with the Game ID the access key was generated on
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 5.1.1

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  • Fixed an issue that caused an account to not come back online automatically
  • Fixed issues related to the search box in the 'Mail' tab
  • Fixed various issues with Huawei login process
  • Fixed issue with Luminous Gear crafting over-calculating the amount it can craft
  • Fixed 'Refresh Access Key' not working sometimes when using a proxy
  • Fixed the delay on the main resource grid when unselecting/selecting accounts
  • Fixed the default IGG ID sorting order when not using any sorting methods
  • Fixed IGG ID sorting order when using chat bot !status command
  • Other minor bug fixes


  • Added gems count to the main resource grid
  • Added ability to link an account to Huawei
  • Added 'Check Binds' button in the accounts function menu

Version 5.1.0

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  • Fixed Issue With Google Login not displaying game consent window

Version 5.0.9

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  • Fixed Issue With Refreshing Accesskeys Amazon/Facebook Accounts.
  • Fixed log spam when maintenance watcher is extended.
  • Other bug fixes and improvements.


  • Added Experimental Huawei Game Account Import.


  • Disabled "Baron" tab from Account page (may return in future.)

Version 5.0.8

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  • Google Login has been fixed
  • Fixed Mall list now displaying any items
  • Fixed 'Gem' item sprites not being accurate to in-game
  • Fixed 'Remove Duplicates' in Guild Fest Settings
  • Updated Mall pricing tables
  • Fixed tutorials not working on new accounts
  • Fixed thread crash regarding 'RedPocketDelete'
  • Fixed 'Use Snowbeast' button flashing when sending resources
  • Fixed 'Select All' not working correctly in hunting settings
  • Set 1 minute minimum to regather wait time
  • Other minor bug fixes/improvements


  • Added % overview to the energy column
  • Added Diamond column

Version 5.0.7

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  • Fixed issue with new MallBackData causing exception on login
  • Fixed might calculation for technolabe research
  • Fixed colosseum defenders trying to update when colosseum is locked
  • Fixed thread crash caused by invalid artifact data
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 5.0.6

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  • Fixed kingdom number being limited at 1300 (Relocate)
  • Fixed gear not changing when manually starting research/building
  • Fixed colosseum defenders not being updated adequately
  • Fixed the bot not detecting opponenets trying to steal monsters
  • Fixed 'Arena' settings not applying from a template
  • Fixed 'getFullMissionList' causing thread crash
  • Fixed 'Create VITAL Files' and 'Export Accounts' not showing the save dialog
  • Fixed 'Minimum Might' for technolabes being incorrectly calculated
  • Fixed Artifact Bonus not being calculated
  • Fixed 'Add Buffers' not working correctly
  • Fixed formatting issue with log strings that contain decimal numbers
  • Fixed Font/Font-Size randomly changing at run-time
  • Other minor bug fixes/improvements


  • Added 'Remove Duplicate Missions' option to Guild Fest settings

Version 5.0.5

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  • Fixed issue with Puzzle Store not updating the list correctly
  • Fixed issue with 'Open Coordinate List' and 'View Stat File' buttons not working
  • Fixed issue with 'Relocate' incorrectly stating you have troops deployed
  • Fixed 'Clear Stats Cache' displaying incorrect number of files deleted
  • Fixed bot not automatically switching gear when initiating an upgrade from the 'Buildings' tab
  • Fixed case sensitivty issue with guild bank commands
  • Fixed Chat Bot notification for nearing resource capacity not firing correctly
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 5.0.4

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  • Fixed issue with sprite data not loading correctly on start-up for certain users
  • Fixed issue with proxies not being saved correctly when the grid is being filtered
  • Fixed issue with Diamond prices not being shown correctly on some items
  • Fixed issue with opening pacts from Inventory Tab not working
  • Fixed thread crash related to 'collectGuildGifts'
  • Fixed thread crash related to 'checkClearOutgoingData'
  • Fixed Device ID field not allowing the entire Steam UDID to be entered
  • Fixed schedule looping on check shield/anti-scout
  • Fixed 'Hero Priority' not showing any heroes when accessed from Global Settings
  • Fixed issue where the bot would try to hunt the 'Lords Ball' causing it to get stuck (Rare?)
  • Fixed issue with troop training not working when the troops required value exceeded 2,147,483,647
  • Fixed issue with 'Don't Filly Rally' where it may have been potentially miscalculated
  • Fixed rare crash that occurs in initResourceView upon app start-up
  • Fixed issues with some log output containing numbers being formatted as large decimal numbers (0.00000000)
  • Fixed rare issue with 'Open Pact' spamming the log
  • Other minor bug fixes


  • Added 'Puzzle Store' for spending berk coins (Inventory Tab)
  • Added 'Cancel Quest' button in the Guild Fest tab
  • Added support for new emoji's in Guild Chat
  • Added 'Add Buffers' option to Rally Settings
  • Added 'Send One Type Only' option to Rally Settings
  • Added Chat Bot notification for resources nearing maximum (4b)
  • Added proper exception handling to 'getSSOToken' when the access key is expired and the token can't be refreshed
  • General settings layout is changed (Still work in progress)
  • Added response messages for the bank command !relocate
  • Added support for the puzzle event (Claiming rewards, searching, using free attempts)
  • Added 'Live Chat' button in the 'Manage Logged In Devices' window
  • Updated Sprites (Hero Icons, Avatars, Emojis, Castle Skins, Artifact Items, etc)

Version 5.0.3

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  • Fixed issue with 'Idle Gear Set' set not saving under certain circumstances
  • Fixed issue with Auto Rank not working under certain circumstances

Version 5.0.2

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  • Fixed issue with Auto-Rank/Whitelist looping/breaking
  • Fixed issue on systems without WebView2 being taken to the wrong download page
  • Fixed issue with browser import options not working (Chrome, Edge)
  • Fixed exception when trying to copy to clipboard whilst it's in use
  • Fixed issue schedule loop issue when 'Randomize Deploy Time' is in use
  • Fixed issue where the scroll bars would disappear on the guild commands grid
  • Fixed toast/alert notifications not appearing
  • Fixed 'Manage Guild' settings loading slow when you have over 1000 users on the list
  • Fixed issue where an account couldn't connect if it had prisoners
  • Other minor bug fixes/improvements


  • When updates are available a toast notification will be displayed
  • Added an InstallNet6.bat file in the program directory to assist with framework update
  • Changed the 'Please Wait' dialog for an overlay loader

Version 5.0.0/5.0.1

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  • Changed from .NET Framework 4.8 to .NET 6
  • Resolved issues with AV's such as Avast, McAfee, AVG and RAV-EndPoint flagging the file as a false positive
  • Replaced DotNetBrowser with WebView2
  • Fixed issue with browser not being disposed of correctly
  • Fixed issues with 'Server Timed Out' and account getting stuck on 'Attempting To Join IGG Server'
  • Fixed issues with 'Switch to Random Proxy' failing
  • Fixed some minor translation issues
  • Other minor bug fixes/changes


  • Tweaked formatting of some chat bot message outputs

Breaking Changes

  • Due to framework changes, the 'idle gear set' will be defaulted to 'None' if you had a custom set selected, to resolve this you will simply need to re-select the custom idle gear set you want to use.

  • Upon launching the application, you may see a message similar to the one below, this is prompting you to install .NET 6.0, it is required to run the app. Simply press 'Yes' on the dialog and follow the instructions, once installed you will be able to run the application as normal.


Version 4.9.9

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  • Fixed issue with gathering not prioritizing tiles correctly
  • Removed 'Internet Names' from batch rename
  • Other minor fixes/performance improvements

Version 4.9.8

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  • Fixed issue regarding high CPU usage

Version 4.9.7

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  • Fixed 'Monitor Shield' not working correctly when the account is in fury
  • Fixed 'Clear log files after x days' not working at all
  • 'Clear Stats Cache' now only removes files older then 7 days to avoid causing corruptions/issues
  • Fixed hunting output stating another player killed the monster when they did not
  • Fixed new accounts going into a reconnect-loop during the tutorial phase
  • Fixed 'Redeploy Anti-Scout' time options not working
  • Fixed rare 'Substring' error occurring in the Resource / Map tab
  • If 'Use Abbreviated Numbers' is disabled the bot will format numbers with comma's for better readability
  • Fixed advanced filtering and sorting on specific columns
  • Fixed gear not switching when manually starting research
  • Fixed selected hunting heroes being replaced by Global Settings
  • Fixed 'Materials' view not showing items of all grades/colors
  • Other minor bug fixes


  • Added 'Auto Clear' option for outgoing/ingoing bank data logs
  • Added the ability to type abbreviated numbers in filtering rows and filter edit window (1B, 1M, etc)
  • Added ability to unwhitelist yourself from the bank, !unlistwhite me
  • Added 'Send Help' to quick settings
  • Added 'Avoid Conflict' checkbox in Hunt Settings (Prevents the bot from hunting monsters that someone is already walking towards, this check excludes guild members)
  • The bot will now do another check to see if someone is heading to a tile during it's sending delay process

Version 4.9.6

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  • Added support for IGG's new asset server
  • Fixed issue with popup windows appearing behind the main account form
  • Fixed issues with bot not being able to recognize if it can participate in guild fest or not
  • Fixed issue with high CPU/drawing issues related to the 'Building' tab
  • Fixed issue where the account grid popup menu would appear in places it shouldn't
  • Fixed Telegram Chat bot requiring Disconnect/Reconnect for message queue to work
  • Fixed backup files getting saved to an invalid path causing an exception (WinIO Ex)
  • Fixed issue with Guild Fest Export Formatting (Attempts Completed / Attempts Taken)
  • Fixed Bonus column on Guild Fest Export showing incorrectly
  • Fixed Graphics.DrawString exception when opening Template Editor
  • Fixed percentage required being miscalculated in BusRank command
  • Fixed 'Please Wait' splash message disappearing before bot is completely loaded
  • Fixed Sanctuary heal message showing total troops remaining instead of total troops healed
  • Fixed heroes not upgrading when they are in shelter
  • Other minor bug fixes


  • Improved colosseum algorithm
  • Added help forum links when facing certain login errors (Token Expired, Invalid Timestamp)
  • Added popup message when chat bot token has invalid formatting
  • Added preview window when viewing proxies in the proxy window, this will display which accounts are using the proxy
  • Added Pact information to the Familiar grid
  • Added 'Min' and 'Max' win percentage to Colosseum
  • Added 'Retry without proxy' error message upon SSO Token retrieval (Appears on 401 error)
  • Removed 'Open All' from Inventory tab
  • Added warning message when an account contains invalid files and is unable to be started/initialized

Version 4.9.5

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  • Fixed issue with Named Pipes causing application to crash on startup


  • Updater will now auto restart Lords Monitor if it was previously running
  • Fixed 'Download Progress' not displaying correctly on Updater

Version 4.9.4

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  • Fixed Guild Festival Leaderboard Export not working correctly
  • Fixed formatting issues with Guild Festival Exported Document
  • Fixed object reference exception when 'Guild Stats' is closed before completion
  • Fixed pipe server crashing when connection can't be established
  • Fixed Guild commands being executed when chat history is first fetched
  • Fixed Account lookup not working when using IGGID in chat bot commands
  • Fixed Guild Bank and Manage Guild tabs randomly disappearing
  • Fixed 'Connect' button still being usable whilst connection to chat bot is made
  • Fixed tags not being saved and restored upon restart
  • Fixed 'Redeem Gift Code' trying to claim without any valid input/gift codes
  • Fixed crashing issue related to battle simulation
  • Fixed issue with 'Dont Send T5' and 'Dont send Siege' rally options not working correctly
  • Max kingdom on reloaction can now be set over K1000
  • Fixed issue with Trial by Fire attempting to use quick pass when not available
  • Fixed issue with compensation gifts not being claimed properly
  • Other various bug fixes and performance improvements

New / Improved

  • Added countdown timer for auto-login on the login page
  • Added 12 Hour Shield option
  • Stage battles will be automatically left if the bot determines the stage will be lost
  • Added leader status in 'Army' tab
  • Added new bank commands (!gryphon, !resetstats and !busrank)
  • Added log message for guild festival statistic export
  • Theme explorer now has a search box
  • Added ability for the bot to use 'hero skills' in stage battles
  • Monster combo prediction should now be more accurate
  • Arena simulation should now be more accurate
  • Added ability to cancel start delay (Simply click start on the account with the delay)
  • Added checkboxes to the familiar list to display which settings are toggled
  • The window title in Guild Chat now changes based on the chat mode (Global/Guild)
  • Guild Festival Export now contains 'Completed Bonus' field
  • Auto reconnection for chat bot if the user didn't request the disconnection

Chat Bot

  • 'Post Status to Chat Bot' option in General -> Advanced Tab (Disabled by default)
  • New Chat Bot Command (!shortlog), sends most recent messages in text instead of file format (Supports 4000 characters)
  • Support for using bank commands through the Chat Bot

New Alerts

  • Account Connected/Online
  • Account Disconnected/Offline
  • Account Reconnected
  • Access Key related issues
  • Schedule Finished
  • Schedule Started

Support for using Bank Commands

  1. Send (!setcastle name) to chat bot to assign guild bank castle
  2. Send (!reguser ID) to guild bank in-game to link to your chat account
  3. Use commands as normal from chat bot

The chat bot will tell you what command to send to the bank if you try to use it before registering