The Grid

The Account Grid shows all your accounts that you have using the bot. It gives a summary of all the accounts. The summary is displayed in Twenty columns:

· Column 1 – Has no title but contains checkboxes to select specific accounts to apply actions to.

· IGG – The IGG ID

· Auto-Start – Contains checkboxes that select the account to automatically start running the bot

· Name – The name of the account.

· Level – What level each account is

· Castle Level – The level the account’s Castle is at.

· Academy Level – The Level the account’s Academy is at.

· Might – Current might of the Account.

· Guild – What Guild the account is in.

· Guild Coins – The amount of Guild coins the account has.

· Gems – The number of Gems the account has.

· Kingdom – Which Kingdom the account is in.

· Base – This is the location of the Castle within a Kingdom (X and Y coordinates).

· Status – Indicates if the bot is online or offline for the account.

· Action – This is the current action that the bot is currently performing on the account.

· Up Time – How long the bot has been running.

· SoloEvent – The accounts progress towards the Solo Event.

· HellEvent – The accounts progress towards the Hell Event.

· 24h Challenge – The accounts progress towards the 24h Challenge.

· KVK Solo War – The accounts progress towards the Kingdom Vs Kingdom Solo War Event.

There are actions that can be done to the selected accounts using the Right-Click Context Menu.

Right-Click Context Menu:

Start - Start the account

Pause - Disconnects the account

Delete - Deletes the account (Deleted account go to the Recycle Bin of the computer)

Set Tag - Tag Editor (Create Tag, Delete Tag(s))

Remove Tag - Removes the tag associated with that account.

Toggle Select - Checks or Unchecks the account.

Templates - Same as templates on ribbon bar (See here for more details)

Open Folder - Opens the account folder within /Config/[IGG Number]

Create VITAL Files - Create VITAL files and Session/Device XML data used to sign the account in on an emulator.

View Account Info - Show account information

Reload Account - Restarts the account, reloads all settings/bank data.

Open News - Opens the news page for that account in your default browser.

Purchase Diamonds - Opens the Diamond store page in your default browser.

Check Link Status - Open the Link Status page in your default browser.