Commands (Prefix: / OR ! )

Command Function Example Result
!status Overview of accounts online/offline !status Sends the status of accounts.
!screenshot Screenshot of main account window !screenshot Sends a screenshot of the main account window.
!log [Account Name or IGGID] Sends current log output as a text file !log Shark Send .txt of the logs for that iGG ID/Name
!shortlog [Account Name or IGGID sends a short version of the log in chat. !shortlog Shark Send a small portion of the log to the chat for that iGG ID/Name
!start [Account Name or IGGID] Starts an account !start 9874123 Turns on the bot for that iGG ID/Name
!stop [Account Name or IGGID] Stops an account !stop 9874123 Turns off the bot for that iGG ID/Name
!cleargroup Clears the assigned group !cleargroup The assigned group is cleared.
!set Assigns a group !set The admin and group is set for the chatbot.
!setcastle [Guild Banks Name] Sets guilds bank in current chat. !setcastle Shark Guild Bank commands can be used for the bot for that iGG ID/Name in the chat
!unsetcastle [Guild Banks Name] Remove guild bank from its chat. !unsetcastle Shark Guild Bank commands can no longer be used for that iGG ID/Name in the chat
Before using chat bot commands you need select channel and use command !set or /set⚠️ Only one admin on chatbot is allowed, only the person who used the set command can use non-guildbank commands.

Quick Link To Setup
Quick Link To Using Guild Bank in Chat Bot
Quick Link To Sending Account Status To Chat Bot

Basic Setup

On the main window of the application. Click Settings (Top Left Most Item) > Options >Other Settings > Chat Bot [Experimental].

While you have this open in the application, setup either a Discord or a Telegram using the instructions below

Quick Link To Telegram Setup
Quick Link To Discord Setup


1) Go to and click Start.

2) Click /newbot
3) You will be asked to enter a name for your bot, send it in the chat.

4) You will then need to set a Bot Username, which must end in bot.

If the username is taken send a different username, and if it works you will receive your key.

5) Take a note of your HTTP API key, you will need to paste this into the bot later!
6) Disable privacy mode on your bot.. Send /setprivacy in BotFather and select your bot:

Then click Disable:

7) Enter you bot token from step 5 into the Chat Bot tab (1), Then Select 'Telegram' on the drop-down (2), and finally click the 'Connect' button (3).

If all went well, you will see the status is 'Telegram Connected'

Quick Link To Adding Bot To Your Chat


1) Go to and Click 'New Application'

2) Set a name for you bot, Agree to the ToS, then click Create.

3) In the menu, go to the Bot tab.

4) Click 'Add Bot' and click 'Yes Do It' on the prompt

5) Scroll down to the Token section and click 'Copy' You will need this later.

6) Under 'Privileged Gateway Intents' enabled all, and under Bot Permissions tick 'Administrator'

7) Click the 'Save Changes' button.

8) Enter you bot token from step 5 into the Chat Bot tab (1), Then Select 'Discord' on the drop-down (2), and finally click the 'Connect' button (3).

If all went well, you will see the status is 'Discord Connected'

Quick Link To Adding Bot To Your Chat

Adding the bot to your chat.

When adding to discord: If you counter an error of "integration requires code grant", go back to discord developers and untick the "requires oauth2 code grant" option.

Once a bot has been connected in the app, you will see an 'Add to X' button, you can click this to add your bot on either Telegram or Discord.

To begin using the bot after connection, send the '/set' command to activate it. This will bind the chat bot to your Telegram/Discord account as the Admin.

The chat you sent '/set' in is the only place Non-Guild-Bank commands can be used.

Quick Link To Setup
Quick Link To Commands
Quick Link To Using Guild Bank in Chat Bot
Quick Link To Sending Account Status To Chat Bot

Using the Guild Bank Commands within the Chat bot.

The below instructions are for setting up the Guild Bank in Chat Bot.

You can use this feature in any chat your Chat Bot is present in, it is not locked to where you used "!set" like all other commands.
You can repeat these instructions for each bank you have.

Add your Guild Bank to a group chat.

Send "/Setcastle YourBanksName" in your telegram or discord group.
(Replace 'YourBanksName' with the name of the guild bank you wish to assign to your current group chat.)

Register your Telegram/Discord account to a Guild Bank.

By default your banks prefix is !. If you have changed this, use your prefix in "!bal" instead of !.

1. Send "!bal" in your telegram or discord group.

2. Copy the message it tells you to send and send it to the bank in game.
(This is how your bank knows "J" in Discord/Telegram is "TheLegend27" in game.)

You should get the following reply in mail "Social Account Has Been Registered."

3. Send "!bal" in telegram or discord group again. You should now get your balance message.

You will now be able to use any bank command you have access to, in your Discord/Telegram chat.

Each player who wishes to use the guild bank should simply follow instructions 1, 2 and 3 above.


You can remove a castle from a group with the "/unsetcastle YourBanksName" command.

You can unregister you social account from the guild bank by sending "!unreguser" in game.

Quick Link To Setup
Quick Link To Commands
Quick Link To Sending Account Status To Chat Bot

Account Notifications

These notification are sent to the chat you used !set in.

To enable account notifications open the account, go to Settings > General > Advanced.

Post Status in Chatbot - Enables notifications to be sent by the Chat Bot for this account.
Access Key Expiry - Post a notification if your access key expires / is renewed.
Connection Status Change - Post a notification if the Online/Offline status of the account changes.
Schedule Status - Sends a notification on Start/End of Schedule and when it re-signs-in for any monitor activity (To renew Shield, Shelter, Anti)
Other Login - Send a notification if anyone else signs into your account
Nearing RSS Limit - Sends a notification when the account has reached 4B resources that it is reaching near to the in-game resource limit
Upload Stats - Uploads Hunt/Purchase report as well as Guild List to the chat room the account was "/setcastle" in, upon generation.

If Upload Stats is enabled, The guild bank command "!stats all" will upload a report of the current stats to the chat, if issued from the chat bot.

Quick Link To Setup
Quick Link To Commands
Quick Link To Using Guild Bank in Chat Bot